Tungsten Carbide

When it comes to industrial knives and blades, material selection matters. The purchase of industrial machine knives and blades is often driven by price because the decision-maker is unaware of the benefits of using a different and more suitable material. Let's be honest, two knives of different materials look very similar. Sometimes, it's very difficult to tell them apart. But, the fact is that materials behave differently in cutting applications.

Varying factors contribute to the decision to use a different material. Those factors range from a need for better wear resistance, more accurate cutting, or superior slit quality just to name a few. One recurrent customer question across all of the industries we serve is how to get better performance and life out of industrial machines knives and blades. And, our answer is always the same. "It depends on what your goals are for your cut quality and consistency." After that quick answer, we invest the time with our customers to ask the right questions about their cutting operation to learn what's working, what isn't working, and what they want to achieve.

Carbide or Is It Tungsten Carbide?

One option that sometimes meets the rigorous demands of our customers is carbide. But, did you know that it's technically incorrect to call the material "carbide?" It's true. Technically speaking, all carbides are a composition of two elements