Best Places to Work in Dayton

There’s a lot that goes into the nomination and award process for Best Places to Work (BPTW). At its heart, BPTW is a competition that provides participating companies the unique opportunity to learn what employees are really thinking and provides organizations with valuable information which can be used to improve day-to-day operations and the workplace environment. What makes this contest and distinction an even bigger honor is the fact that it was based on feedback from ACE employees and our associates are the very heart of everything we do.
How does the contest work?
Open to all employers with 10 or more employees, participating organizations are categorized by size based on the number of associates. Categories include micro, small, medium, and large. Employees of nominated companies complete a confidential survey that covers a variety of topics including employee engagement, job satisfaction, personal and professional growth, and management team effectiveness. Surveys are evaluated by an outside firm to determine which companies create the most rewarding workplaces with challenging work and the highest degrees of organizational trust.
ACE’s Winning Culture
“Updated hiring practices that attract candidates who are closely aligned with our core values is one of the keys to our success,” said Yolanda Evers, director of human resources. “The global pandemic brought our teams closer together despite sales and operations working remotely,” Evers continues. “Keeping our team physically and mentally healthy was more critical than ever.”
What’s next?
At American Cutting Edge, our mission is to make cutting effortless for our customers. In order to do that, it’s important that we take an introspective look at how we operate as an organization. Happy and engaged employees inspire outstanding performance in all aspects of our business, which translates to the highest quality and customer service in the industry.
“BPTW is much more than a contest at ACE. It represents a way to keep our finger on the pulse of employee engagement and sentiment on an annual basis. We review the results of our BPTW survey carefully to see how we can leverage the information and feedback to continue to improve our organization. We share our results with our associates and have an open door policy to help us drive engagement in improving our culture to drive better results every year.”