Form, Fill, and Seal Packaging Knives
Today’s form fill and seal packaging equipment is very precise and designed to run at very high speeds. Keeping this equipment running efficiently is very important and the knife is a very critical part of the machine. Having the proper knife can increase your production, reduce your downtime, and ultimately increase your profits. American Cutting Edge understands the needs of today’s equipment and can help you get the most performance out of the knives in your form fill and seal machines. We carry knives in stock for many popular machines and can custom manufacture knives to meet your specifications.
American Cutting Edge offers a comprehensive range of precision ground blades, made from high quality hardened and tempered stainless and carbon steels. All form fill and seal packaging knives are made to meet or exceed the OEM standards. We provide solutions compatible with the following OEMs:
AllPak®, Autowrapper®, Bosch®, Cavanna®, ConFlex®, Doboy®, Eurosicma®, FMC®, Fuji®, George Gordon®, Hayssen®, Ilipak®, Klockner Hansel®, Otem®, Pak Rapid®, Record®, Redpack®, Rose Forgrove®, Rovema®, Sandiacre®, Sig, Teyopharm®, Triangle®, Ulma®, and WR Grace®.
Contact American Cutting Edge today and let us assist you with your form, fill, and seal challenges.